Where are we going? I wonder how anyone could possibly make money in the music industry these days. It seems someone is making money. How are the big boys surviving? It's something that's just picking at my brain. Are they actually selling mp3s? It's mind boggling. Torrents aren't going away.
There are two genres that are maintaining any kind of CD sales. Country and Metal. The rest of the people seem be reliant on mp3s. That doesn't really leave much room for sales. Most people would rather steal their music than pay for it. It's really not funny. How do they get on without a physical product?
From my personal observation, there is more than just the music. Pop culture relies on the image to such a great extent. There is no respect for the artist anymore. The only real thing driving sales is people's desire to emulate their idols. Endorsement deals just like in sports. Wearing the right cloths on video. That seems to be where it's at for the new generation. So how does anyone expect to break into that racket?
Prime example, Pomlamoose. They started out with adsense I'm sure but that soon led to Ads for Toyota. Is this where music is going?
If that's the case then, I dare say music isn't going anywhere. It's regressing. Giving in to the "Man". Never have the words rung so true for me: "Rock and Roll is dead". Long live Rock and Roll? How? You can't make money at it anymore. Not without selling out. Rock and Roll has fallen into the very pit of corruption that it professes to rebel against. They're all sell outs. Endorsements for strings, software, hardware, clothes. That used to be a side deal. Now it is the deal. There is no more music industry. Just another vehicle for sales and the promotion of consumerism.
So you want to make it big? Don't count on it. Shape your product. Get your image in line. Define your clothing line. Even tattered can be mass produced these days. The holes in the jeans don't mean anything anymore. It used to be that the clothes are what you could afford. The holes were a result of being over worn.
Even guitars come new as "road worn". What a joke! What happened to integrity? What happened to the school of hard knocks? They sold that school. When the machine discovered that it was saleable, they bought it, wrapped it in a tattered package and marketed it to the masses.
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