This may sound a little cuckoo I'm sure but I personally think that many of these movies are social commentaries in disguise.
Take for example Toy Story. Here's a movie about taking advantage of the time you have with your children. From a toy's point of view but I think it's pretty obvious that this movie is for the parents. Yes the kids love you. Admire you. Think the world of you for a while. Then they grow up and eventually they leave you altogether. You may rarely ever see them again after that. But, that's not what matters. What matters is that the time you spend with them will probably affect them for the rest of their lives.
Finding Nemo? Letting your kids grow up.
Then there's movies like Monsters Inc. This movie was like a revelation to me. Yup. Nutso. Seriously though, this movie came out at the time when USA began it's "War on Terror". These "monsters" really aren't bad guys. They just want to harvest "scream" (oil) because they rely on it for power. In the end it takes a child from the human world to help them to realize that people are people, children are children no matter where they come from. And, frightening or threatening people from this other "country" is not making the harvesting of fuel any easier. They learn that there is a "happier" or earth friendly solution that is beneficial for both parties. In the case of the movie, laughter. Maybe that's just me going crazy.
Okay, to the nitty und zei gritty.
I was in the hospital today because my youngest son tried to break his leg off on an elliptical trainer. They have a movie playing for the kids to watch. The Bee Movie.
Here's a movie that I never enjoyed. And, I payed to watch this one in the theater. I hated it the first time. This time was worse.
What really rubs me the message this movie gives off. If you haven't seen the movie and would like to, you might as well stop reading now because I'm going to blow the plot. Basically this bee develops a relationship with a human woman and soon discovers that the bees are being exploited for their honey! The bee begins a campaign to sue the humans and eventually succeeds. To his chagrin, this sets of a chain reaction of events that eventually results in the bees coming to the realization that bees have a need to fulfill their work for the better of all involved. Including humanity.
I see it this way. The bees are well....workers. You could think of this as the average laborer or if you like, the laborers in a sweat shop. Sweat shop works with the movie's ideal. They realize they are getting a bum deal. And, the humans you could think of at the elite class or more realistically, they are the average consumer. We rely upon their hard work to benefit us. What do they get in return? Not much. A pittance for wages and lungs full of toxic waste.
If those sweat shop worker were to revolt, North America, Britain most of the developed world would be at a loss for affordable electronics. Our economy would come to a standstill. Similarly, if these sweat shops would become regulated and unionized, it would not be worthwhile for North American companies to invest in outsourcing labor. Products would no longer be cheap and people would be more reluctant to buy. Again leaving our economy at a standstill.
The moral of the story? Keep the worker bees busy. They might not have it very good but they don't know any better. For that matter, they would be left with less if they were to protest their current predicament. And, the consumers would suffer.
Yeah. It's a rant. Maybe I'm just losing it. I just need to get it out. Sorry if this wasted your time. It was entertaining for me.
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