If you already bought into the 3d TV with glasses thing, don't say I didn't tell you so. Toshiba will have a glasses free 3D TV. That's right glasses free. That means that all those people who spent their thousands of dollars for a 3D capable TV AND glasses/transmitter along with a 3D capable Blu Ray player are already behind the times.
Thanks Sony! You guys rock!
Do you feel ripped off? I do. I don't even own a 3D TV and I feel like I've been taken to the cleaners. Where do they get off raking the public over the coals like this? How can this be legal? It's not like they never knew it was coming. They knew it but they sold last years tech to everyone anyway. BASTARDS!
There are times when it pays to be the last one to upgrade. Times like this, when you realize that something better is on the horizon. We're not talking about a long wait here either. According to Toshiba the new TVs will be available by the fourth quarter of 2011.
Toshiba's Glasses Free 3D TV